Club FAQs

Can I change club levels?
Yes, you can change between 3, 6 and 12 club levels.  We need to know before your card authorization is run for an upcoming club shipment.  Your club benefits will be at the club level at which you've chosen.  You can reach us using the Contact link.

Can I customize my club shipment?
Yes, this is an additional benefit for all Farm Club members.  You will receive an email prior to billing of your fall and spring club shipments.  You will have an opportunity to customize your autumn preference (subject to availability) by late September 2024, or automatically receive our Winemaker's Selection described in the email.

I just joined.  When will my first shipment arrive?
If you initially join between August - October, your first shipment will be the fall Farm Club allocation with email notification when you join.
If you initially join between November - December, your first shipment will be the fall Farm Club allocation which you will receive upon joining (if wines are available).  If no longer available, then you will receive the spring allocation.
If you join between January - February, your first shipment will be the spring Farm Club allocation with email notification when you join.
If you join between March - July, your first shipment will be the spring Farm Club allocation which you will receive upon joining (if wines are available).  If no longer available, then you will receive the fall allocation.

When will my club wine ship?
The spring Farm Club allocation shipped in March 2025.  The next autumn Farm Club wines will depart Paso Robles in October 2025.

How do I remain a Farm Club member?
We understand that circumstances may require you to skip a club shipment.  You will remain a member in good standing by participating in 3 of the 4 most recent club shipments.

Founding Member club benefits are for life.  Really?
Yes.  The additional savings is added to your club level (e.g., Founding Join 12 savings is 25% [20 +5] for all club shipments).  Always remain a member in good standing and the Founding benefit applies to your club orders.  Founding membership closed on September 23, 2015.

Which wines will I receive for a club shipment?
Farm Club members will be the first to receive our newest release.  For Farm Club 3 members, most likely you will receive one bottle per label.  6 and 12 bottle Farm Club Members will likely receive one to several bottles per label, and you will have an opportunity to customize your preference.

May I order wines outside of club shipments, or re-order wines that were in a club shipment?
Yes, subject to availability.  Go to the Members link and log in, then click on Allocations and you can make an a la carte selection.   Farm Club members receive their base club level savings on these orders (excluding library verticals or holiday specials).

Can I skip a Farm Club release?
Yes, you can by replying in time to the club email.

May I order wines as a gift?
Yes, subject to availability.  Go to the Members link and log in, then click on Allocations and you can order a gift.  Farm Club members will receive their base club level savings on all orders, including gifts (excluding library verticals).  If you would like us to include a handwritten card with a gift order, let us know what you'd like the card to say.  We have beautiful 3-pack and 6-pack wine selections in custom wooden boxes which will delight the recipient.

I'm traveling when my shipment is due to arrive; can I delay receipt?
Yes.  Let us know at least 3 weeks before the scheduled club shipment for when you would like your wine to ship.  Your card authorization will be run at the same time as all club members.

What should I use as my shipping address?
Alcohol shipments require an adult signature and cannot be left at your door.  Many members choose a work address to avoid missed deliveries.

How do I change my shipping address?
Go to Members link from our home page, and log in.  Scroll down to Addresses section and click Edit.

How do I receive a prior Farm Club invoice?
Go to Members link from our home page, and log in.  Choose Order History.  Choose the invoice of interest and it will display.

How do I update my credit card?
Go to Members link from our home page, and log in.  Scroll down and click Edit in Payment section.

I live outside the USA.  Can I join The Farm Club?
Yes, but...

Some countries, like Brasil, forbid wineries to directly ship to you.  In many places it is allowed, but honestly shipping is quite expensive.  We will be happy to hold your club wine allocation and then send it to a hotel or other address that you (or family or friends) will be at when next visiting the USA.  Then, check the wine box as luggage for your trip home.  You can change the shipping address for each club shipment.

How is my credit card information protected?
For the absolute protection of your card data, we outsource all storage and processing to Stripe; a highly secure, respected, and well known payment processor.  No card data exist anywhere on the website servers.  This means if your account (or our servers) are ever compromised, there will be no cards for the attacker to steal.

When cards are saved to your customer profile, we send them immediately (and securely) to Stripe for processing and storage.  In exchange, the payment processor sends back a numeric token for the card, which we save to provide clients the ability to charge that same card in the future.  Since these tokens can only be used by the merchant account owner (i.e., the winery), they are useless to an attacker.

How do I choose a level in The Farm Club?
This link
explains the benefits of the Join 3, 6 and 12 club levels and lets you choose.

My question isn't here.  How do I ask?
Please write to us using the Contact link.